Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do you have God’s back?

The other day, while doing my Bible Study through Luke 12.29-31, I felt the Holy Spirit challenging me on these very thoughts ……….Do I have God’s back?

Here’s that scripture:

v. 29 “And seek not what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be of doubtful mind”
v. 30 “For all these things do the nations of the world seek after; and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things”
v. 31 “But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you”

If you are like me, life easily brings opportunities that absorb 110% of your life… it from work, relationships, family, etc……..So much so, that these things crowd out the things of God from your to-do list……..

If I asked you to go visit someone in hospital, you’d probably reply and say “I’m too busy”, right? Sadly, in our daily undertakings, our time becomes very dominant on us, and what we need, and very little on what does someone else need, and very rarely on “What does God need”?

That’s right……What does God need! As I write this, it becomes clear that we sometimes love God selfishly……what do I mean…….Simple:

We do things for God when we have the time
We take the time to talk to God when we have the time
We hardly talk to God, and when we do, it’s mostly about ourselves……

And yes, I have been guilty, infact very guilty of loving God selfishly……..but there’s hope…..

Imagine how hurt, disappointed, rejected and left out you would feel if you brought to God your urgent needs and this is what he had to say:
Don’t bother me, not now
I’m kinda busy
Can it wait
Gee, who else can help you with that!
Can we talk later?

Luke 12.29-31 assures us that God has all of our needs covered…He loves us selflessly…..He knows what we desire, and delights to meet our needs…….In other words, He has our back……..there’s only one thing He asks of us……… have His, or put differently, v30. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you”

Just like we put in time to make our earthly relationships work, God expects us to put in time with Him to make our relationship with Him work………

Here’s what I have learnt about dating……generally, women like it when you talk to them, give them time, make them feel special, loved and adored, take the time to woo and court them, make them realize that you are their one and only, and you love them as deeply as they love you…..actually, men, although perhaps to a lesser extent, have the same needs……….

I submit to you that you should love God in the same way……take time to talk to Him, know where His heart is, what does He want, What does He want you to do, take the time to reach out to Him and tell Him you love Him, you adore Him, you cherish, appreciate and need Him……….

Realize that God isn’t your blank check, and whatever you need, you just write it on the check and ask Him to sign………….no…….Our God is a jealous God, and expects us to want to grow and cultivate and invest in our relationship with Him……..

King David, in the old testament, understood this about God…….He took the time to seek God, to see His face, to invest in His relationship with Him…………..Even when he sinned, he still drew closer to God, by lowering himself in humility and praying for mercy…….It is no wonder that God called David his friend………………

Dunno about you, but I want God to call me his friend……I know, I want my friends to have my back, and I submit it to you, that God wants us to have His back……….

How do you have His back? Well, that’s simple……………..You need to take time to find out what God wants from you……and that comes by seeking His face and reading His word…………..In Micah 6:8, the Lord shows requires of us:

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God”

So, the Lord wants us to have His back by acting in a just manner, by being merciful to others, walking humbly with Him, not being ashamed of Him……………David wasn’t ashamed about standing infront of Goliath and declaring that he was coming against him in the name of the God whom he (Goliath) had defiled…….

In Luke 12.8 the Lord says “Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God”

When I read that, my attitude changed…..I began to realize I need to shake off what people will think when I say that I love Jesus, when I proclaim His name, when I stand up for those of lesser standing in societ……The bottom line, I want Jesus to confess before the angels that Kim is a friend of mine…..I love that Kim……Kim seeks to always know what’s going on with me….Gee, I look forward to talking to Kim….feel me?

Let’s look at it another way if you ain’t convinced……………….

God was mighty proud of Job…..and it’s no wonder why…………Job 1:1 reports that Job “….was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil”……God was so proud of God, that when Satan came about, He gave a good report…..that there was none like him on earth………………..

There was none like Job on earth, someone who was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and eschewed evil………..My prayer for myself and you is that you may be perfect and upright, fear God and detest evil……I would love for God to be able to brag about me just like that!…….

So folks, what am I saying…………devote more of your time to learning what’s important to God…….He wants us to give, to have mercy, constantly look upon others better than ourselves……

Personally, I have devoted to focusing my energies on the things that are important to God……that I might gain His favor, and that He may call me His friend……..As per now, that has meant supporting those around me who are under-privileged… the naked, feeding the sick, visiting them in hospital, caring for the widows and orphans……that’s how I will have God’s back this year……by making that which is important to God, important to me……….When the Lord says ‘Give’, I give, no questions, no hesitation, ‘when He says forgive as I have forgive you’, that’s what I do…..when he says, ‘love like I have loved you’ that’s what it is……

And just like God has promised, when I do all these things, He’ll have my back…….. “All these things shall be added unto me”……He will take care of my businesses, my relationships, my health, my finances, my hopes and dreams………“All these things shall be added unto me”……

OK, one final example for yall…..Look at Solomon….when God asked him what He could give him, Solomon asked not selfishly, but selflessly…..Picture it, the ancient of days asking what can I give you….and instead of saying a big house or car, a fancy job or a large bank account… ask for something that you know will help you achieve that which God has entrusted to you………Solomon realized the task of being king would be difficult, he asked God for wisdom that he might govern God’s people…………

I submit to you, that Solomon sought after the kingdom of God because He focused on what God wanted………and God added everything else unto him………..1 Kings 3:11-13, we see God giving Solomon the wisdom that he needed, plus riches, honor, etc and up to this day, there’s never been anyone as wise as Solomon, and neither will there ever be…………….

I submit it to you, that the Lord wants to bless you incredibly, that’s right…..until your barn houses cannot contain all of the blessings……but what you must do is seek after the heart of God, find out what’s important to Him and then focus your energy on that……
Our good God knows what you need, and He will add unto your bosom all the other things that you need, even others that you didn’t but just because He loves you anyhow!
Trust me, our God knows how to give good things….He’ll give you that big house, a big car, a big salary, and even through in a big big bank account, just coz He’s God, and He loves you……….

So, don’t get too self absorbed....your needs are important, yes, but focus on God, give Him your priority realizing you can do nothing without Him, and He will give you all you desire…………….

Testimony time……………After I began to put these principles into practice, people I didn’t know began calling me, wanting to give me the opportunity of doing business with them…….prior, I had been doing all the chasing and finding people to do business with……I thank God for reminding me to have His back, coz He already has mine! Going forth, I want to spend my every waking moment thinking, how can I make God happy……….coz I want His favor, His blessing, His anointing and His mercy to chase after me, overtake me, and even overshadow me…….The secular world seems to have understood this principle, and it is time that the church figured it out! Serve God, and God will sort you out………..

But don’t think that you can fool God….Don’t think that to get God to do “this” all you need to do is “that” …..Serve God as an expression of your love for Him….Let it come from a place of deep love for God! A place deep within your soul………..and trust me, He won’t let you down!

I leave you with this……from the beginning of time, God has always had your back, isn’t it time you had his?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim, Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am a Christian who has been waning, the joy of salvation not as tasty. I discovered that the reading of Bible was not really there and that I was just warming the benches at church. Praise God for his indescribable gift. Thank you and God mightily bless you!
