Folks, let me start by saying that God is good…..and that He loves you, and that He is a God like none other, He is highly exalted, and lifted up! He is magnified in the cherubims, He is exalted in Heaven, He is exalted in earth…….
OK, why am I so excited……Simple…..coz I told God to kill it!! Just that, kill it…..
Aight, I know I can end the blog here, although if you don’t remember anything else, remember that……kill it……..
Here’s the scoop……In another blog, I told you about how there was this woman in my life, a righteous, ordained woman of God, right……Well, we broke up, and me being me, all lovey dovey and what not I hang on wanting to restore it, wanting to fix it…and the damn thing was not getting fixed….As much as I tried, prayed over it, it just wouldn’t get fixed…...when here all God wanted me to do was to kill it……Thank you Jesus…..
OK, sorry, I am very excited….this has been meat to my soul …..OK, for a long while now, I have been wrestling with God trying to have Him restore our relationship…coz why lie, I love her….Irrespective of that love, I was forgetting that if there is to be restoration, He has to kill off that which is not of Him…..
Hallelujah! Is someone following this?…..After Adam and Eve fell, sin began to reign in our mortal bodies……that sin became such an eye sour unto God, that He flooded the earth in the days of Noah, caused the earth to swallow up folks, sent prophets to teach the people His way, gave them His word in stone tablets, led him by cloud by day and fire by night…..But God was still frustrated…coz the people fell, they sinned in droves, they acted like prostitutes and fell over, and over and over…But finally God had gotten enough…….He decided to kill it…….
Watch this! He didn’t destroy us…..the truth is, that He loves us, but the sin in our lives is what He couldn’t tolerate…..So what did He do? He killed the part of us that was unable to keep the relationship that He wanted us to have with Him! Amen, and Hallelujah to the Prince of Peace!
See, the problem is that we and God were in an untenable relationship……we kept falling, sinning, unable to fulfill His law, and that grieved God…..It became so bad, that He finally resolved to bring us into a new covenant, where the law would not be written on stone tablets, or carried around by the Levites….but this new covenant would be written in people’s hearts…
So God sent His son to come, die for our sins, and to kill our flesh….The word says that we were crucified in Christ…..The old had to pass away for us to enter in newness of life in Christ…..When we died with Christ, our old man died, and when Christ arose, we arose in power…..That which was incapable of sustaining a relationship with God was dead. Now, God had given us His spirit to dwell in us, to comfort us, and to be with us…..As He continually makes witness of the Father, and He guides us in all righteousness….See, God didn’t leave it up to us to follow Him, He gave us His Spirit to help us never stray from Him…Now the Spirit mourns and groans for us before the Father…
Is this making sense……For God to restore our relationship with Him, He had to kill the part of us that was incapable of loving Him (our flesh)……And that is why we must continue to crucify the flesh daily in our lives…That part of us will retard our life in Christ and lead us unto destruction…
The same thing is true in my relationship….See, my love for her is based on God’s love for me, and in the same love I love her….But see, because our relationship is corrupted by the enemy, the Lord needs to kill off that part so that it dies…quickly……
Follow me closely….I am not saying kill her, or our love…..I am saying kill the part of our relationship that isn’t honoring God and that which isn’t fashioned in perfect love ….See, if truly our love is based on God’s love and there is a part of our relationship that is corrupted of the enemy that part must be killed…….it just must die, because that corrupted part will drag down the part that is everlasting that is of God…
So what am I saying in simple English? I know, some folk have told me my thoughts are too deep for them to follow…..OK, what I am saying is…..
1). If you are like me, and were in anguish of a relationship that was on the rocks, or that you were entrusting God to fix, or praying over…you need to ask of God to kill that part that isn’t fashioned in His love……if it is selfishness, hatred, jealousy, adultery, fornication, whatever……have the Lord kill that part……coz that part has to die before God can do anything…..Hear me clearly…..that which isn’t of God in that which you want God to deal with must die a tragic sudden and immediate death…..Ask God to do it, and have peace as He kills it…He needs to kill it….And then if it His will, He needs to restore a new relationship that is of Him….but He can only do that, when that old corrupted relationship is dead. Why is it important that you kill this part? If you don’t it will cause you anguish, like it was causing me……Trust, me, you should have seen me swinging up and down….and that thing if you don’t kill it, the enemy will use it to control your emotions, dominate your walk and soil your testimony in Christ!..So just like you crucify your flesh daily, you need to kill off from your relationships the things that aren’t of God…...In a nutshell, I was trying to fix a part that I couldn’t fix because it was unfixable…..It needed to die….
2). Then consider your partner, and love them in God’s love….Because whether or not that relationship is restored by God, you need to make sure that you don’t walk around hurt or carry that hate to your other relationships…It will sour your love life with Christ…Second, love is of God, and He that loveth not, doesn’t know God…… As a child of the light you need to walk in love as love is of God…..You need to love them as God loves them….that way you will be able to be pure before God…..
OK, let me bring it back to my example…..With this highly favored ordained woman of God, I certainly need God to kill that relationship……it had been corrupted by the enemy, and because we are both of the light, we need not have fellowship with darkness……I thank God that I understand that now…..It just needed to die….And because I love her, what I need to entrust the Lord to do is to restore that part which is of Him, so that this relationship is squarely planted on His love….And what is that love? The word says that perfect love drives away all fear, is kind, patient, long suffering, doesn’t keep a record of wrong doing, etc……That’s the kind of love I want the Lord to restore between me and her……
But not my will but His be done…..Should the Lord choose not to restore that relationship in His love, then that’s OK…..I will still be walking in the love of God, loving her like God loves her and I’ll still be walking in God’s perfect will! That’s what I call a win-win….
Is that making sense to anyone? Check it, this valentines day, as you consider your relationships, those that are going well, or those that are in capsizing, ask God that He kills that part which needs to die (that part that won’t benefit either one of you, that part that will just cause you anger and grief) and ask Him to in its stead, restore His love….Because His love is perfect, it will sustain you through your life together and alone! Folks, aint nothing greater than the love of God!
Just like the Lord had to kill our flesh because it was not of God, you need Him to kill off things in your relationship that aren’t of Him….Again I insist…..the fact that you love someone should be the impetus to have God kill in your relationship that which isn’t of Him ….Because God so loved the world, that He sent His only son, that whoever believes in Him may not die but have eternal life…..
Because God loved us, He sent His son to die for us, by so doing kill our flesh (that couldn’t love Him), so that God could restore us unto Himself. Because you love the person you are in a relationship with, you need to be willing to have God kill that part of that same relationship that isn’t glorifying Him and to trust Him to restore that which will…..
This valentine’s day, I encourage you to look for ways to apply this not only to a spouse, or partner, but also to a family member, a relative, etc….I am not saying that it will be easy having God kill that which isn’t of Him in your relationship, but trust me, that when the Lord is through restoring it, it’ll be tighter stronger, and able to withstand the attacks of the enemy….And even if as a result of Him killing it the relationship cracks and you go off in separate directions, still love that person, wish them well, pray over them, encourage them, let not evil rule in your hearts or minds….overcome not any evil they may do unto you with evil, but rather overcome it with good! Love them, forgive them just as God, in Christ Jesus, has forgiven you…Be perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect! Amen…..
I hope this touches someone today, and may His name be praised for ever and ever!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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